Want to Meet Valentino Rossi? These requirements are:

Grand Prix in Valencia later you had the opportunity to meet directly with MotoGP star Valentino Rossi in person.
You can ask anything to him directly.
Only to capitalize five dollars, or about € 4.50 you can participate in the draw of the event Riders for Health Foundation.
You can register up to 8th October.
The following facilities and a grand prize for the winner:

  1.     Travel and accommodation
  2.     Two paddock passes for the entire race weekend in Valencia
  3.     Access Passes to the starting grid for the race on Sunday
  4.     Lunch at the entourage Yamaha with Yamaha VIP package
  5.     Exclusive tickets for the closing party season

Just by way of donation to participate in this event, you will be the chance to win the prize. Other prizes include T-shirts, photos or other things signed by all riders.
Last year the event "Riders for Health" raised approximately $ 30,000, and has helped more than 21.5 million people in remote areas of Africa.

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