Marquez dribbles Up Falling, Rossi: I Just Want to Say 'Fuck' Marquez!

Marquez dribbles Up Falling, Rossi: I Just Want to Say 'Fuck' Marquez! - Indeed Sepang incident involving Valentino Rossi and Marc Marquez is still hotly discussed around the world and into controversy.

Many assumptions have sprung up and blame Rossi, but not least also the blame Marquez.

But do you know exactly what to do when widen the bike Rossi and slow the rate of 14 Sepang Marquez corner.

"I just want Marquez lost time, out of the racing line and slowed down, said Rossi.

"Because this time Marquez duel in a way that is worse than when in Australia. He played a dirty game.

Then I tried to widen and slow the pace of M1 I then looked up to him, as if I want megatakan "Fuck" to him, "What are you doing Marc", close Rossi.

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