Complexity and Mercedes dominance harming F1

Complexity and Mercedes dominance harming F1 - Sebastian Vettel has urged F1 to not 'lose sight of its roots', saying the complexity of the sport and the focus on 'detail' is driving away its core fanbase.

The Ferrari driver, who won four consecutive world titles for Red Bull between 2010 and 2013, has been one of the more outspoken critics of the current generation of F1, which he feels places too much emphasis on technical complexities.

For this reason he believes F1 fans are being turned away as they are unable to engage with the more technical aspects of the sport, when he feels more emphasis should be put on the role the driver has in the car.

"I think primarily [F1] should be a sport and about which driver is the fastest,” he said, speaking to his official website. "The car plays a key role today and in the past, but we should not lose that in the complicated regulations.

"The spectators must be able to identify with the technical aspects of the car, currently it is far too complex. In addition, the sound is missing."

With F1's popularity in Germany taking a particularly large hit in recent years, Vettel continues that F1's obsession over 'details' and the subsequent emergence of Mercedes as the dominant force has had a negative impact.

"The past dominance of Mercedes in the last two years has of course taken away the excitement for many fans. In addition, we are currently focused too much on the details. I think we must not lose sight of the roots of motorsport and I hope that the cars are more tangible for all in the future."

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